Wednesday 3 July 2013

Day 4 3rd July 2013 Pardoo Road House to South Hedland

Day 4  3rd July 2013 Pardoo Road House to South Hedland   149km

Another wonderful day of riding.  Good tail wind in the latter parts after a still and glorious morning.

The country side hasn't changed much in the 610km that we have travelled so far.
Local county side
More local country side
Still more country side
There have been some more interesting rock formations and the like as we approached South Hedland.
We are staying a Youth Centre/sports complex tonight.  They certainly have spent some money on this place.   All very five star.  Also didn't have to put up the tent.
Road traffic is starting to get a bit heavier as we enter the mining area of WA.
This is one of the many local road hazards.  Would make a great wheat carting truck.  Wonder if I could get it registered in NSW.
Off to tea in a min.  Also have to do devotions tonight.
Back from tea now.  How can I explain what just happened.  Let me try.  Dinner was at a Fly in/fly out mining complex.  I thought they spent a lot of money on the Youth Centre.  Well they didn't spare the money on the miners complex either.  Imagine being in a large Shopping Mall Food Court,  restaurant quality food, all you can eat from any stall and unlimited seconds and thirds (and for some fourths).  Never seen so many grown men and women (all B4B riders) walking around with grins on their faces.  Some one described it as "only on a cruise ship".  All  B4B rides in the future will be going through Port Hedland.   Expecting the ride tomorrow will be much slower.

Dinner venue tonight.
Camping again tomorrow night

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