Thursday, 11 July 2013

Days 7 to 10 of the Big Ride across Australia

Days 7 to 10     6th to  9th July of the Big Ride across Australia

It is now actually the end of day 10.     OK, I got lazy for a couple of days.  For all of you who rely on this blog (if any one at all) for your daily fix of adrenalin pumping action I am sorry for the delay.  Here is a catch up.

Day 7  Rest Day at Karratha.  0 km travelled (rest day after all).
Welcome rest day after 843km in the first six days.  Chance to do washing etc.  A bus trip around Dampier and Karratha area was organised to see the sites.   These included the Natural Gas Plant ( information station closed on Sat.), some aboriginal rock art, and a visit to the Red Dog statue/memorial/shrine what ever (In honour of the Dog about which the film was made).
Unusual rock hills around Dampier

Red Dog site

Monument to killed and injured workers during the construction of the gas plant.

Most of the afternoon taken up the shopping of the next 10 or so days out in the wilderness again.  Get some interesting looks from the checkout girls at Woolies when you have two trollies with nothing but 20 x 15lt water the first time through then 120 lt of milk and 30 packets of small Mars bars the second time through.

Small church service this night as we will be riding again tomorrow (Sunday),

Day 8  Karratha to Robe River Rest Area   150km

Not such a happy day today.  A small incident at the front of the pelleton cause a ripple which intencified as it travelled back down the line.  The out come was a touch of wheels and two rides on the ground.  Colin the first to fall suffered a broken collar bone and smashed shoulder blade.  He was driven back to Karratha to the hospital and has since been flown home to Sydney.  The second chap suffered some cuts to his leg and bruised ribs.  He has been able to keep riding but was some what sore for the first couple of days.  Every one has been considerable up set by the event and the rest of the days ride was somewhat subdued.

Camping under the stars again at the Robe River rest Area.  Unfortuneately no water in the river so no swim or showers.  Another great meal was enjoyed in the evening followed by a discussion about what had happened and why God should allow such things to happen along with all the other suffering in the world.  A profitable time for the group as a whole I think.

We will miss Colins chearful presence and wish him a speady recovery.

Had internet coverage at Robe River but was in no mode to blog.


Day 9  Robe River Rest Area to Nanutarra Roadhouse  120 km.

Only a shorter ride today though not an easy one.  Head winds and cross wind made the travelling difficult and 120 km was quite far enough.  Nanutarra Roadhouse is in the middle of no-where. No phone coverage hense no internet.  The road house provided a plentiful BBQ dinner and most of us washed it down with an ice cream (rather expensive one) from the road house shop.  Slept under the stars again.  Starting to get good at putting up the tent.

Graham's birthday today with the usual B4B things that go on for those unfortune enough to celebrate a birthday during a ride.  Such as having to ride with a half dozen balloon attatched to his helmet.  All good fun.

Graham cutting B/day cake at morning tea time
On the down side we lost a couple more riders today at least for the next couple of days.  Karen (who is recovering from considerable health issues and very serious surgery) and her husband George were driven to Carnarvon hospital, 700km round trip by Jim (ride leader and organiser).   Hopefully they will rejoin the team in a couple of days 

Day 10  Nanutarra Roadhouse to Girarlia Station   157 km
Long day today but more enjoyable as the wind was more favourable, particularly in the morning tea to lunch stretch.  Jim arrived back from Carnarvon towards the end of the day.

The last 4km of todays ride was along a gravel, sandy, corrugated farm track into Giralia Station.  At least one of our better riders ate some dust on the ride in but nothing but pride hurt.  Certainly at test of bike skills as our fancy road bikes aren't designed for such rides.

Giralia Station used to be a 600 thousand acre sheep station but in recent year has been reduced to about 40 thousand acres, they have given up the sheep and planted tourists.  Looks to have been a good move and they do it well.  Us single men slepped in "donga's"  (Old construction workers accommodation).  The couples were given rooms in the homestead which were somewhat more everything.  Could have benefitted from having Robyn with me this night.  Must not complain though since at least we had real beds for a change.

A lovely meal was enjoyed on the veranda of the homestead, cooked and served by the staff.  Even cotton tablecloths.

Donga accommodation. Note the coffee machine on the table in the center.

How the other half live

 Dinner with Nick, Mike(NZ), Mike (roadie) Pete, me and Evan

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